Books for Women’s Equality Day

By Coll Rowe | August 22 2024 | Political ScienceHistoryGender and Sexuality StudiesSociology

In celebration of Women’s Equality Day on August 26th and the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, we are sharing books about women whose activism and determination secured them the right to vote, and the women who followed in their footsteps to push for further equality.

The Great Fight to Win the Vote

The nail-biting climax of one of the greatest political battles in American history: the ratification of the constitutional amendment that granted women the right to vote.

$20.00 US
Mar 05, 2019
464 Pages
Penguin Books

In their own voices, the full story of the women and men who struggled to make American democracy whole.
$40.00 US
Jul 07, 2020
761 Pages
Library of America

An Intimate History of Black Feminism
A reclamation of essential history and a hopeful gesture toward a better political future, this is what listening to Black women looks like—from a professor of political science and columnist for Teen Vogue.
$30.00 US
Jan 23, 2024
368 Pages
Random House

Essays by Arab Women Reporting from the Arab World

Arab women journalists speak out about what it’s like to report on their changing homelands in this first-of-its-kind essay collection, with a foreword by CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour.

$17.00 US
Aug 06, 2019
304 Pages
Penguin Books


Prizewinning historian Estelle B. Freedman brings decades of teaching experience and scholarship to this anthology, which spans more than five centuries and features primary source material from around the globe.

$20.00 US
Sep 18, 2007
496 Pages
Modern Library

Soccer, Me, and the Law That Changed Women's Lives
A beautifully illustrated coming-of-age graphic memoir chronicling how sports shaped one young girl’s life and changed women’s history forever.
$27.00 US
Oct 04, 2022
336 Pages

A collection of writings, speeches, and pamphlets documenting Britain’s fight for women’s right to vote.
$13.00 US
Jun 08, 2021
144 Pages
Penguin Books

An intersectional anthology of works by the known and unknown women that shaped and established the suffrage movement, in time for the 2020 centennial of women’s right to vote, with a foreword by Gloria Steinem.
$18.00 US
Mar 05, 2019
560 Pages
Penguin Classics