FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Rachel Feder and Tiffany Tatreau’s Taylor Swift by the Book

1989 It’s the height of the Roaring 20 . . . 10s. Short dresses shimmy and shine under the blindingly bright New York City lights, and our heroine sees through it all. If you follow her down the rabbit hole, you might discover an underground speak- easy where you won’t be found. Or maybe you’ll

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Rachel Feder’s The Darcy Myth

Love Is a HAUNTED HOUSE or, What Pride and Prejudice Would Look Like as a Horror Novel We know (and Jane knew) that Austen’s classic romances are deeply influenced by the Gothic, by the horror and terror of late-eighteenth-century popular fiction. Because Jane Austen is such an influential figure in the history of the novel,

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The Darcy Myth author Rachel Feder on Feminist Manifestos You Can Fit in Your Purse

By: Rachel Feder When my new book, The Darcy Myth: Jane Austen, Literary Heartthrobs, and the Monsters They Taught Us to Love, came out this November, I was doing what I usually do in November: teaching a course on Jane Austen. This one was a senior seminar with a brilliant and hilarious group of students

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink’s Writing for Busy Readers

Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink offer the most valuable practical writing advice today. Building on their own research in behavioral science, they outline cognitive facts about how people actually read and distill them into six principles that will transform the power of one’s writing: Less is more Make reading easy Design for easy navigation Use

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