An Interview with Tara Cousineau PhD, Author of The Perfectionist’s Dilemma

Q: What inspired you to write The Perfectionist’s Dilemma? As a clinical psychologist, I’ve spent years working with high-achieving students and professionals who, on the outside, seem to have it all together—but inside, they’re exhausted, anxious, and constantly feeling “not enough.” I’ve also walked that road myself. As they say, it takes one to know

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How to Break Up with Your Phone: A Message from the Author to Educators

Contributed by Catherine Price, health and science journalist and author of How to Break Up with Your Phone, Revised Edition: The 30-Day Digital Detox Plan. Now fully revised and updated, with expanded chapters explaining how social media and algorithms are designed to addict us and an updated section on the unique dangers social media poses

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Alison Wood Brooks’s Talk

Talk is a groundbreaking book that reveals the hidden architecture of our conversations and how even small improvements can have a profound impact on our relationships in work and life—from a celebrated Harvard Business School professor and leading expert on the psychology of conversation. Click here to access a complimentary workbork for Talk, created by the

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Marisa G. Franco, PhD’s Platonic

How do we make and keep friends in an era of distraction, burnout, and chaos, especially in a society that often prizes romantic love at the expense of other relationships? In Platonic, Dr. Marisa G. Franco unpacks the latest, often counterintuitive findings about the bonds between us—for example, why your friends aren’t texting you back (it’s

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Keith Payne’s Good Reasonable People

There has been much written about the impact of polarization on elections, political parties, and policy outcomes. But Keith Payne’s goal is more personal: to focus on what our divisions mean for us as individuals, as families, and as communities. This book is about how ordinary people think about politics, why talking about it is

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National Depression Education and Awareness Month

For National Depression Education and Awareness Month in October, we are sharing a collection of titles that educates and informs on depression, including personal stories from those who have experienced depression and topics that range from causes and symptoms of depression to how to develop coping mechanisms to battle depression.

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Banning Lyon’s The Chair and the Valley

Banning Lyon was an average 15-year-old, living in Dallas, TX. He enjoyed skateboarding, listening to punk rock, and even had a part-time job. But in January 1987 his life quickly changed after a school guidance counselor falsely believed he was suicidal after giving away his skateboard. Days later he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital,

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Patrick J. Kennedy and Stephen Fried’s Profiles in Mental Health Courage

Profiles in Mental Health Courage portrays the dramatic journeys of a diverse group of Americans who have struggled with their mental health. This book offers deeply compelling stories about the bravery and resilience of those living with a variety of mental illnesses and addictions. Several years ago, Patrick J. Kennedy shared the story of his personal

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation

In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt lays out the facts about the epidemic of teen mental illness that hit many countries at the same time. He then investigates the nature of childhood, including why children need play and independent exploration to mature into competent, thriving adults. Haidt shows how the “play-based childhood” began to

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Julie Bogart’s Becoming a Critical Thinker

Becoming a Critical Thinker is a practical resource to grow students’ ability to think well in an age of information overload. At a time when we’re constantly flooded with contradictory information and opinions, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. This accessible workbook is full of valuable insights, thought-provoking questions, and useful exercises to help

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