A Comprehensive Syllabus for Black Women Taught Us by Jenn M. Jackson, PhD, Now Available

By Allan Spencer | April 18 2024 | Black HistoryWomen's and Gender StudiesPolitical ScienceGender and Sexuality StudiesSociology

In Black Women Taught Us: An Intimate History of Black Feminism, Jenn M. Jackson, PhD, sets the record straight about Black women’s longtime movement organizing, theorizing, and coalition building in the name of racial, gender, and sexual justice in the United States and abroad. Based in part on a course they teach at Syracuse University, “Black Feminist (Insurgent) Politics,” these eleven original essays explore the legacy of Black women writers and leaders—from Harriet Jacobs and Ida B. Wells to the Combahee River Collective and Audre Lorde.

Click here to access a comprehensive syllabus created by the author as a resource for their fellow educators.


Read a message from the author to educators:

“I’ll never forget the way it felt when I first learned that there was no Black Feminist History course offered at my undergraduate university. This elite institution of higher education had attracted me not only because of its beautiful southern California living and weather but because it boasted a world-renowned faculty and curricula that would prepare me for the broader world. But when I searched for courses that reflected the experiences and identities I held, they were rarely, if ever, offered.” [READ MORE]


Watch a video message from the author:


An Intimate History of Black Feminism
A reclamation of essential history and a hopeful gesture toward a better political future, this is what listening to Black women looks like—from a professor of political science and columnist for Teen Vogue.
$30.00 US
Jan 23, 2024
368 Pages
Random House