FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Rachel Feder’s The Darcy Myth

Love Is a HAUNTED HOUSE or, What Pride and Prejudice Would Look Like as a Horror Novel We know (and Jane knew) that Austen’s classic romances are deeply influenced by the Gothic, by the horror and terror of late-eighteenth-century popular fiction. Because Jane Austen is such an influential figure in the history of the novel,

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Do You Teach Engineering?

You can search for books across this discipline through our course lists, which cover Bioengineering, Building and Technical Trades, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computing Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and more. Bioengineering Building and Technical Trades Chemical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Electrical and Computing Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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A letter to educators from Ros Ben-Moshe, author of The Laughter Effect

Dear Educators, We’ve all heard the adage “laughter is the best medicine”, The Laughter Effect: How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life is its prescription.  A body-mind practice that incorporates wisdom from laughter therapy, health promotion, neuroscience, positive psychology and mindfulness, it adds an innovative new dimension to self-care and wellbeing. My

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Adam Grant’s Hidden Potential

Hidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid storytelling that takes readers from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space. Grant explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to realize

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An Interview with Python Crash Course Author Eric Matthes

This Author Spotlight is on Python programmer/educator extraordinaire Eric Matthes, author of the international bestseller (now in its third edition) Python Crash Course  from No Starch Press. In the following Q&A, we discuss how reader feedback shaped the latest edition of his book, why he chose teaching over a career in physics, the importance of

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Jordan Salama’s Stranger in the Desert

Jordan Salama, author of Every Day the River Changes, is American, Syrian, Argentinian, and Iraqi Jewish. Inspired by his global genealogy and the family lore that he may have long-lost relatives in Argentina, Jordan goes in search of the “Lost Salamas,” traveling more than a thousand miles through the Argentine Andes.   “Kan ya makan

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