FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Michael Lewis’s Who Is Government?

The government is a vast, complex system that Americans pay for, rebel against, rely upon, dismiss, and celebrate. It’s also our shared resource for addressing the biggest problems of society. And it’s made up of people, mostly unrecognized and uncelebrated, doing work that can be deeply consequential and beneficial to everyone. Michael Lewis invited his

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How to Break Up with Your Phone: A Message from the Author to Educators

Contributed by Catherine Price, health and science journalist and author of How to Break Up with Your Phone, Revised Edition: The 30-Day Digital Detox Plan. Now fully revised and updated, with expanded chapters explaining how social media and algorithms are designed to addict us and an updated section on the unique dangers social media poses

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Immaculata De Vivo and Daniel Lumera’s The Biology of Kindness

The science is in: being good is actually good for you. In this bracingly original book, The Biology of Kindness—the first in a trilogy on the topic of daily wellness—the science of mindfulness and the findings of biology come together to show how kindness and optimism improve overall well-being in profound, organic, and demonstrable ways. Daniel

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Scott Doorley and Carissa Carter’s Assembling Tomorrow

Assembling Tomorrow is a powerful guide to why even the most well-intentioned innovations go haywire, and the surprising ways we can change course to create a more positive future, by two celebrated experts working at the intersection of design, technology, and learning at Stanford University’s acclaimed Illustrated by Armando Veve.   Introduction On the Verge

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation

In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt lays out the facts about the epidemic of teen mental illness that hit many countries at the same time. He then investigates the nature of childhood, including why children need play and independent exploration to mature into competent, thriving adults. Haidt shows how the “play-based childhood” began to

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FROM THE PAGE: An excerpt from Julie Bogart’s Becoming a Critical Thinker

Becoming a Critical Thinker is a practical resource to grow students’ ability to think well in an age of information overload. At a time when we’re constantly flooded with contradictory information and opinions, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. This accessible workbook is full of valuable insights, thought-provoking questions, and useful exercises to help

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