A letter to educators from Ros Ben-Moshe, author of The Laughter Effect

By Kaitlyn Spotts | March 1 2024 | PsychologyHumanities & Social Sciences

Dear Educators,

We’ve all heard the adage “laughter is the best medicine”, The Laughter Effect: How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life is its prescription.  A body-mind practice that incorporates wisdom from laughter therapy, health promotion, neuroscience, positive psychology and mindfulness, it adds an innovative new dimension to self-care and wellbeing. My book empowers educators, and students alike to lead healthier, happier lives and navigate life’s challenges with levity and resilience.

What inspired you to write “The Laughter Effect”?

The inspiration behind The Laughter Effect lies in the fusion of my own personal journey, together with my professional experience using laughter to promote positive wellbeing. It’s also grounded in the context of laughter being an enduring force connecting and healing individuals and communities since time immemorial. The key message is that humor, laughter, and positivity need not be reserved for moments when everything in your world is in perfect harmony; instead, they can serve as accessible and transformative tools even amidst life’s challenges.

Is this a book about comedy?

The Laughter Effect is not a joke book or discourse on comedy – it focuses on the intentional use of smiling and laughter to counter stress hormones and stimulate a daily DOSE of wellbeing – activating Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins. My book guides readers on how to tap into this natural and free resource unlocking an array of social, psychological, and physiological health benefits.

Can you elaborate on the holistic skillset and practices offered by “The Laughter Effect” and how it nurtures a positive mindset?

This book provides a comprehensive toolkit encompassing both holistic humor and non-humor-based practices, ensuring that a positive and uplifting mindset is not left to chance.  It draws on my two decades of personal and professional experience as an internationally recognized laughter for wellbeing and positivity expert, global laughter ambassador and adjunct lecturer at the School of Public Health and Psychology at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. It blends personal narrative with the latest scientific research in humor and laughter therapy, positive psychology, neuroscience, and mindfulness, making it an engaging and illuminating read for learners of all ages and disciplines.

How does The Laughter Effect address the harmful impact of burnout and negativity?

The Laughter Effect recognizes the detrimental impact of burnout and negativity on individuals. It serves as an antidote by offering diverse ways to integrate micro moments of joy and action-based positivity, even during challenging times. Through self-care practices such as gratitude, self-compassion, and positive reframing, my book guides readers in navigating stress and adversity with resilience by cultivating a positive mindset.

In what ways does your experience as a laughter for wellbeing expert, academic and global laughter ambassador enhance this book?

My experience as a laughter for wellbeing expert, academic, and global laughter ambassador brings a unique flavor to The Laughter Effect.  The book is not just a product of my research and practice but is also elevated by the inclusion of inspiring stories of physical and personal transformations from around the globe. These narratives and case studies illustrate the universality and profound impact of the philosophy, making it a valuable resource for personal and professional growth and overall wellbeing.

As an educator, why should I consider incorporating The Laughter Effect in my teaching approach and how can it benefit my students?

The Laughter Effect provides educators with a valuable tool to enrich their teaching approach. It equips educators and students with practical skills to navigate challenges, fostering a positive and resilient mindset. With a user-friendly holistic approach, the book offers an actionable resource suitable for learners of all ages. Teaching and learning with humor assist with overall learning outcomes – to become smarter through laughter.

How can educators introduce the philosophy of The Laughter Effect to students and what impact can it have on the overall learning environment?

Educators can introduce The Laughter Effect philosophy by incorporating its practices into various classroom activities. To foster a positive classroom environment where students can share smiles or humorous experiences, create humor journals or Endorphin Boards. It also includes examples of intentional laughter and smiling exercises that can be incorporated throughout the day to promote connection, joy and a shared sense of positivity. My book provides a guide to enhancing mood, engagement and overall learning both inside and outside of the classroom.

Heartfelt appreciation to you for choosing to support my new book and introduce your students to this unique and timely skillset and philosophy.

In love, laughter and gratitude,



Ros Ben-Moshe is an internationally recognized laughter wellness and positivity expert. She is adjunct lecturer at La Trobe University, where she has taught positive psychology and health promotion. A Global Laughter Ambassador, Ros is a regular commentator and writer in Australian media. Her highly praised first book is Laughing at Cancer – How to Heal with Love, Laughter and Mindfulness. She has spent over twenty years empowering people to embrace intentional smiling and laughter practices to generate positive life transformation and boost joy.

How to Build Joy, Resilience, and Positivity in Your Life
Supercharge your "happy hormones" with this motivational self help book featuring mind-body techniques for boosting joy and gratitude through laughter.Laughter really is the best medicine!
$32.99 US
Mar 19, 2024
272 Pages
Alcove Press