Educator’s Guide for Daniel Sherrell’s Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World

By Spenser Stevens | January 10 2023 | Common ReadsGeneral

Daniel Sherrell’s Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World is very much a book about weight. It invites the reader to confront and reflect on the profound emotional weight associated with living one’s life in the vast shadow of climate change. Is it possible for young people to acknowledge the immensity of climate change (or “the Problem,” as Daniel calls it) and preserve room for hope? What does it mean to consider starting a family in the face of the Problem? And, despite the weight of it all, how can forward progress be maintained? Daniel invites the reader to consider these questions and others in this timely, thought-provoking book, and this guide was written to assist teachers and students as they engage with it.



Read an excerpt from the book here