The Booker Prize 2019 Finalists

By Luis Diaz | September 4 2019 | Humanities & Social Sciences

We are thrilled that two Penguin Random House authors, Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie, have been honored as finalists for the 2019 Booker Prize.

The Booker Prize is the leading literary award in the English speaking world, which has brought recognition, reward and readership to outstanding fiction for over 50 years. It is awarded annually to the best novel of the year written in English and published in the UK or Ireland.




A dazzling Don Quixote for the modern age—an epic tour de force that is as much an homage to an immortal work of literature as it is to the quest for love and family, by Booker Prize–winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie 





Margaret Atwood’s dystopian masterpiece, The Handmaid’s Tale, has become a modern classic—and now she brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion in this riveting sequel.




See the shortlist announcement here



The winner will be announced on October 14th. For more information on the award and a full list of shortlisted titles, click here.

The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale

More than fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid’s Tale, the theocratic regime of the Republic of Gilead maintains its grip on power, but there are signs it is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, the lives of three radically different women converge, with potentially explosive results.

Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies of these two young women are joined by a third voice: a woman who wields power through the ruthless accumulation and deployment of secrets.

As Atwood unfolds The Testaments, she opens up the innermost workings of Gilead as each woman is forced to come to terms with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes.

$30.00 US
Sep 10, 2019
432 Pages
Nan A. Talese