Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810), from Wieland, or the Transformation
Washington Irving (1783-1859), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), The Man of Adamant, Young Goodman Brown
Herman Melville (1819-1891), The Tartarus of Maids
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), The Black Cat
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935), The Yellow Wallpaper
Henry James (1843-1916), The Romance of Certain Old Clothes
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?), The Damned Thing
Edith Wharton (1862-1937), Afterward
Gertrude Atherton (1857-1948), The Striding Place
Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), Death in the Woods
H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), The Outsider
William Faulkner (1893-1962), A Rose for Emily
August Derleth (1909-1971), The Lonesome Place
E.B. White (1899-1985), The Door
Shirley Jackson (1919-1965), The Lovely House
Paul Bowles (1910- ), Allal
Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991), The Reencounter
William Goyen (1915-1983), In the Icebound Hothouse
John Cheever (1912-1982), The Enormous Radio
Ray Bradbury (1920- ), The Veldt
W.S. Merwin (1927- ), The Dachau Shoe, the Approved, Spiders I Have Known, Postcards from the Maginot Line
Sylvia Plath (1932-1963), Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams
Robert Coover (1932- ), In Bed One Night
Ursula K. LeGuin (1929- ), Schrödinger's Cat
E.L. Doctorow (1931- ), The Waterworks
Harlan Ellison (1934- ), Shattered Like a Glass Goblin
Don DeLillo (1936- ), Human Moments in World War III
John L'Heureux (1938- ), The Anatomy of Desire
Raymond Carver (1938-1988), Little Things
Joyce Carol Oates (1938- ), The Temple
Anne Rice (1941- ), Freniere
Peter Straub (1943- ), A Short Guide to the City
Steven Millhauser (1943- ), In the Penny Arcade
Stephen King (1947- ), The Reach
Charles Johnson (1948- ), Exchange Value
John Crowley (1942- ), Snow
Thomas Ligotti (1947- ), The Last Feast of Harlequin
Breece D'J Pancake (1952-1979), Time and Again
Lisa Tuttle (1952- ), Replacements
Melissa Pritchard (1948- ), Spirit Seizures
Nancy Etchemendy (1952- ), Cat in Glass
Bruce McAllister (1946- ), The Girl Who Loved Animals
Kathe Koja and Barry N. Malzberg, Ursus Triad, Later
Katherine Dunn, The Nuclear Family: His Talk, Her Teeth
Nicholson Baker (1957- ), Subsoil