¿Quién fue Helen Keller?

Illustrated by Nancy Harrison
On sale Aug 30, 2012 | 112 Pages | 9781101577820
A los dos años, Helen Keller quedó sorda y ciega. Ella vivía en un mundo de silencio y la oscuridad. Pero con la ayuda de la maestra Annie Sullivan, Helen aprendió a leer, escribir y hacer muchas cosas extraordinarias. Esta biografía inspiradora es perfecta para los jóvenes lectores. Dibujos en blanco y negro, barras laterales sobre temas relacionados, tales como Louis Braille, una cronología, y una bibliografía mejorará la comprensión de los lectores sobre el tema.
© Gare Thompson
A former educator, Gare Thompson has written best-selling classroom programs as well as numerous children's books. His specialty is historical fiction. Thompson lives in Massachusetts. View titles by Gare Thompson
Who HQ is your headquarters for history. The Who HQ team is always working to provide simple and clear answers to some of our biggest questions. From Who Was George Washington? to Who Is Michelle Obama?, and What Was the Battle of Gettysburg? to Where Is the Great Barrier Reef?, we strive to give you all the facts. Visit us at WhoHQ.com View titles by Who HQ


A los dos años, Helen Keller quedó sorda y ciega. Ella vivía en un mundo de silencio y la oscuridad. Pero con la ayuda de la maestra Annie Sullivan, Helen aprendió a leer, escribir y hacer muchas cosas extraordinarias. Esta biografía inspiradora es perfecta para los jóvenes lectores. Dibujos en blanco y negro, barras laterales sobre temas relacionados, tales como Louis Braille, una cronología, y una bibliografía mejorará la comprensión de los lectores sobre el tema.


© Gare Thompson
A former educator, Gare Thompson has written best-selling classroom programs as well as numerous children's books. His specialty is historical fiction. Thompson lives in Massachusetts. View titles by Gare Thompson
Who HQ is your headquarters for history. The Who HQ team is always working to provide simple and clear answers to some of our biggest questions. From Who Was George Washington? to Who Is Michelle Obama?, and What Was the Battle of Gettysburg? to Where Is the Great Barrier Reef?, we strive to give you all the facts. Visit us at WhoHQ.com View titles by Who HQ

Books for Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month

Penguin Random House Education is proud to celebrate Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs annually from September 15th through October 15th.  We are highlighting the works of our authors and illustrators from the Latinx and Hispanic community, whose stories and characters have a profound impact on our society. Here is a collection of titles

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