Sylvia Plath, author portrait

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath (19321963) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and studied at Smith College. In 1955 she went to Cambridge University on a Fulbright scholarship, where she met and later married Ted Hughes. Plath published one collection of poems in her lifetime, The Colossus (1960), and a novel, The Bell Jar (1963). Her Collected Poems, which contains her poetry written from 1956 until her death, was published in 1981 and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
Plath: Poems
The Colossus
The Journals of Sylvia Plath


The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
Plath: Poems
The Colossus
The Journals of Sylvia Plath

Celebrating 100 years of James Baldwin

In celebration of James Baldwin, the literary legend and civil rights champion, and the centennial of his birth, we are sharing a collection of his work.   James Baldwin (1924–1987) was a novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic. His first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, appeared in 1953 to excellent reviews, and his essay collections Notes

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