George Orwell, author portrait

George Orwell

George Orwell (1903–1950) served with the Imperial Police in Burma, fought with the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War, and was a member of the Home Guard and a writer for the BBC during World War II. He is the author of many works of nonfiction and fiction. He is best known for his novels 1984 and Animal Farm.
Burmese Days, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air
Political Leadership
Why I Write
Animal Farm
Orwell: Essays
Animal Farm


Burmese Days, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air
Political Leadership
Why I Write
Animal Farm
Orwell: Essays
Animal Farm

Books for Women’s History Month

In honor of Women’s History Month in March, we are sharing books by women who have shaped history and have fought for their communities. Our list includes books about women who fought for racial justice, abortion rights, disability justice, equality in the workplace, and more, with insight on their remarkable lives that inspired others to

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