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Anzia Yezierska

Anzia Yezierska (1882-1970) was born in Poland and came to the Lower East Side of New York with her family in 1890 when she was nine years old. By the 1920s she had risen out of poverty and become a successful writer of stories, novels; all autobiographical; and an autobiography, Red Ribbon on a White Horse (Persea). Her novel Bread Givers (Persea) is considered a classic of Jewish American fiction. Her acclaimed books also include How I Found America: Collected Stories and The Open Cage. She died in 1970.
Bread Givers
Bread Givers
Hungry Hearts


Bread Givers
Bread Givers
Hungry Hearts

Books for World Refugee Day

We are sharing books for World Refugee Day on June 20th to bring light to the struggles refugees currently face. By sharing the individual stories of refugees whose lives have been dismantled and who have moved beyond catastrophic circumstances, we hope to inspire education on how to contribute to creating a world in which people

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