Justicia Global

Tres ensayos sobre liberación y socialismo

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On sale Nov 21, 2023 | 2 Hours and 30 Minutes | 9780593793404

¿Existe una alternativa a la globalización empresarial y al militarismo que asola nuestro planeta? Estas obras clásicas de Ernesto Che Guevara presentan una visión revolucionaria de un mundo diferente en el que la solidaridad humana y la comprensión sustituyen a la agresión y la explotación imperialistas.


A Spanish-language edition of three speeches on corporate globalism and imperialism by one of the most widely known guerilla fighters, political theorists, and organizers, Che Guevara.

In this collection of three speeches, Ernesto Che Guevara offers a revolutionary view of a world in which human solidarity and understanding replace imperialist agression and exploitation.

First, in a sharp speech given in Algeria on February 24, 1965 at the Afro-Asia Economic Seminar, Che speaks about the nature of capitalism and the revolutionary struggle that would open the way for a new, socialist society. Guevara's 1965 essay, "Socialism and Man in Cuba," is a milestone in twentieth-century emancipatory social thought. Finally, “Message to the Tricontinental” is one of Che’s more well-known works, which outlines the tactics and strategies that should be followed in revolutionary struggle.

This collection of writings merges Che's philosophy, politics, and economics in his all encompassing, coherent revolutionary vision. His ideas and his struggle strike a chord in the current search for global justice.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna nació en Rosario, Argentina el 14 de junio de 1928. Como estudiante de medicina en Buenos Aires y después de graduarse como doctor, viajo a lo largo de Latinoamérica. Mientras vivía en Guatemala en 1954 --entonces bajo el gobierno electo de Jacobo Árbenz-- se involucro en la actividad política ahí y presencio el derrocamiento de ese gobierno por una operación militar organizada por la CIA. Luego de la victoria de los rebeldes el 1 de enero de 1959, Guevara se volvió en líder principal del nuevo gobierno revolucionario. En septiembre de 1959 fue nombrado director del Departamento de Industrialización del Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria; en noviembre de 1959 se volvió presidente del Banco Nacional; y en febrero de 1961 se volvió Ministro de Industrias. También fue una figura central de la organización política que en 1965 se volvió el Partido Comunista de Cuba.


ERNESTO GUEVARA DE LA SERNA was born in Rosario, Argentina, on June 14, 1928. During his medical studies in Buenos Aires, he took a trip with his friend Alberto Granado on an old Norton motorcycle through all of Latin America, the basis for The Motorcycle Diaries. Living in Guatemala in 1954, he became involved in political activity there and was an eyewitness to the overthrow of the elected government in a CIA-organized military operation. Forced to leave Guatemala, Guevara went to Mexico City and linked up with exiled Cuban revolutionaries and met Fidel Castro in 1955. Guevara joined an expedition to Cuba that began in the Sierra Maestra mountains. He was originally the troop doctor and became Rebel Army commander in July 1957. Following the rebels’ victory in 1959, Guevara became a key leader of the new revolutionary government. He began serving as head of the Department of Industry of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform; in November 1959 he became president of the National Bank; and in February 1961 he became minister of industry. He was also a central leader of the political organization that in 1965 became the Communist Party of Cuba.


¿Existe una alternativa a la globalización empresarial y al militarismo que asola nuestro planeta? Estas obras clásicas de Ernesto Che Guevara presentan una visión revolucionaria de un mundo diferente en el que la solidaridad humana y la comprensión sustituyen a la agresión y la explotación imperialistas.


A Spanish-language edition of three speeches on corporate globalism and imperialism by one of the most widely known guerilla fighters, political theorists, and organizers, Che Guevara.

In this collection of three speeches, Ernesto Che Guevara offers a revolutionary view of a world in which human solidarity and understanding replace imperialist agression and exploitation.

First, in a sharp speech given in Algeria on February 24, 1965 at the Afro-Asia Economic Seminar, Che speaks about the nature of capitalism and the revolutionary struggle that would open the way for a new, socialist society. Guevara's 1965 essay, "Socialism and Man in Cuba," is a milestone in twentieth-century emancipatory social thought. Finally, “Message to the Tricontinental” is one of Che’s more well-known works, which outlines the tactics and strategies that should be followed in revolutionary struggle.

This collection of writings merges Che's philosophy, politics, and economics in his all encompassing, coherent revolutionary vision. His ideas and his struggle strike a chord in the current search for global justice.


Ernesto Guevara de la Serna nació en Rosario, Argentina el 14 de junio de 1928. Como estudiante de medicina en Buenos Aires y después de graduarse como doctor, viajo a lo largo de Latinoamérica. Mientras vivía en Guatemala en 1954 --entonces bajo el gobierno electo de Jacobo Árbenz-- se involucro en la actividad política ahí y presencio el derrocamiento de ese gobierno por una operación militar organizada por la CIA. Luego de la victoria de los rebeldes el 1 de enero de 1959, Guevara se volvió en líder principal del nuevo gobierno revolucionario. En septiembre de 1959 fue nombrado director del Departamento de Industrialización del Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria; en noviembre de 1959 se volvió presidente del Banco Nacional; y en febrero de 1961 se volvió Ministro de Industrias. También fue una figura central de la organización política que en 1965 se volvió el Partido Comunista de Cuba.


ERNESTO GUEVARA DE LA SERNA was born in Rosario, Argentina, on June 14, 1928. During his medical studies in Buenos Aires, he took a trip with his friend Alberto Granado on an old Norton motorcycle through all of Latin America, the basis for The Motorcycle Diaries. Living in Guatemala in 1954, he became involved in political activity there and was an eyewitness to the overthrow of the elected government in a CIA-organized military operation. Forced to leave Guatemala, Guevara went to Mexico City and linked up with exiled Cuban revolutionaries and met Fidel Castro in 1955. Guevara joined an expedition to Cuba that began in the Sierra Maestra mountains. He was originally the troop doctor and became Rebel Army commander in July 1957. Following the rebels’ victory in 1959, Guevara became a key leader of the new revolutionary government. He began serving as head of the Department of Industry of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform; in November 1959 he became president of the National Bank; and in February 1961 he became minister of industry. He was also a central leader of the political organization that in 1965 became the Communist Party of Cuba.

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