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América Latina

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On sale Nov 14, 2023 | 17 Hours and 3 Minutes | 9780593793343

En una carta a su madre en 1954, un joven Ernesto Guevara escribió "Las Américas serán el teatro de mis aventuras de una manera mucho más significativa de lo que yo hubiera creído". En America Latina se narra la historia de esas aventuras, trazando la evolución del Che desde el joven e impresionable estudiante de medicina al "guerrillero heroico", asesinado a sangre fría en Bolivia. A lo largo de diecisiete años, esta antología se nutre de los archivos personales de su familia y ofrece lo mejor de los escritos del Che: ejemplos de su periodismo, ensayos, discursos, cartas e incluso poemas. A medida que el Che documenta sus primeros viajes por América Latina, su participación en las revoluciones guatemalteca y cubana, y su ascenso a la prominencia internacional bajo el mando de Fidel Castro, vemos cómo su ferviente compromiso con la justicia social moldeó y fue moldeado por el continente al que llamó hogar.

Casi la mitad de este libro se publica por primera vez y es anterior a la llegada del Che a Cuba con la expedición guerrillera de Fidel Castro en 1956. También se incluyen sus notas para su libro inacabado, The Social Role of Doctors in Latin America.


This classic anthology on Latin America shows the Argentine-born revolutionary's cultural depth, rigorous intellect, and intense emotional engagement with a continent and its people.

In a letter to his mother in 1954, a young Ernesto Guevara wrote, “The Americas will be the theater of my adventures in a way that is much more significant than I would have believed.”

In The Awakening of Latin America we have the story of those adventures, charting Che’s evolution from an impressionable young medical student to the “heroic guerrilla,” assassinated in cold blood in Bolivia. Spanning seventeen years, this anthology draws on from his family’s personal archives and offers the best of Che’s writing: examples of his journalism, essays, speeches, letters, and even poems. As Che documents his early travels through Latin America, his involvement in the Guatemalan and Cuban revolutions, and his rise to international prominence under Fidel Castro, we see how his fervent commitment to social justice shaped and was shaped by the continent he called home.
Ernesto Che Guevara was born in Argentina in 1928. After fighting alongside Fidel Castro in the three-year guerrilla war in Cuba, he became Minister for Industry following the victory of the Cuban revolution. In 1966 he established a guerrilla base in Bolivia. He was captured and killed in 1967. View titles by Ernesto Che Guevara


En una carta a su madre en 1954, un joven Ernesto Guevara escribió "Las Américas serán el teatro de mis aventuras de una manera mucho más significativa de lo que yo hubiera creído". En America Latina se narra la historia de esas aventuras, trazando la evolución del Che desde el joven e impresionable estudiante de medicina al "guerrillero heroico", asesinado a sangre fría en Bolivia. A lo largo de diecisiete años, esta antología se nutre de los archivos personales de su familia y ofrece lo mejor de los escritos del Che: ejemplos de su periodismo, ensayos, discursos, cartas e incluso poemas. A medida que el Che documenta sus primeros viajes por América Latina, su participación en las revoluciones guatemalteca y cubana, y su ascenso a la prominencia internacional bajo el mando de Fidel Castro, vemos cómo su ferviente compromiso con la justicia social moldeó y fue moldeado por el continente al que llamó hogar.

Casi la mitad de este libro se publica por primera vez y es anterior a la llegada del Che a Cuba con la expedición guerrillera de Fidel Castro en 1956. También se incluyen sus notas para su libro inacabado, The Social Role of Doctors in Latin America.


This classic anthology on Latin America shows the Argentine-born revolutionary's cultural depth, rigorous intellect, and intense emotional engagement with a continent and its people.

In a letter to his mother in 1954, a young Ernesto Guevara wrote, “The Americas will be the theater of my adventures in a way that is much more significant than I would have believed.”

In The Awakening of Latin America we have the story of those adventures, charting Che’s evolution from an impressionable young medical student to the “heroic guerrilla,” assassinated in cold blood in Bolivia. Spanning seventeen years, this anthology draws on from his family’s personal archives and offers the best of Che’s writing: examples of his journalism, essays, speeches, letters, and even poems. As Che documents his early travels through Latin America, his involvement in the Guatemalan and Cuban revolutions, and his rise to international prominence under Fidel Castro, we see how his fervent commitment to social justice shaped and was shaped by the continent he called home.


Ernesto Che Guevara was born in Argentina in 1928. After fighting alongside Fidel Castro in the three-year guerrilla war in Cuba, he became Minister for Industry following the victory of the Cuban revolution. In 1966 he established a guerrilla base in Bolivia. He was captured and killed in 1967. View titles by Ernesto Che Guevara

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