Lisa Harkrader, author portrait

Lisa Harkrader

Lisa Harkrader is the author of a number of children's and young adult books, including the award-winning Airball: My Life in Briefs and The Adventures of Beanboy, as well as several titles for Kane Press.
The Twelve-Bug Day
Snowball Run
Rocket Rivals
Planet of the Eggs (Book 9)
Librarians of the Galaxy (Book 11)
No Place Like Space (Book 5)
May the Votes Be With You (Book 7)
A Fishy Mystery
Ruby Makes It Even!
Daisy Diaz Shakes Up Camp


The Twelve-Bug Day
Snowball Run
Rocket Rivals
Planet of the Eggs (Book 9)
Librarians of the Galaxy (Book 11)
No Place Like Space (Book 5)
May the Votes Be With You (Book 7)
A Fishy Mystery
Ruby Makes It Even!
Daisy Diaz Shakes Up Camp