Steve Mould, author portrait

Steve Mould

Steve Mould is a science expert and comedian with a physics degree from the University of Oxford. He has a YouTube channel with more than 175,000 subscribers, and his videos regularly achieve hits in the hundreds of thousands. One of these videos (about "self-siphoning beads") went viral worldwide, gaining nearly 2 million hits and being mentioned in The New York Timesand on the BBC. Scientists later discovered why the beads performed in the mysterious way they did and dubbed it "The Mould Effect." Steve also hosts a radio show on BBC Radio 4 and is part of the live comedy/science trio Festival of the Spoken Nerd. His first book for kids, How to Be a Scientist, is a 2018 ILA-CBC Children's Choices Reading List selection.
The Bacteria Book
El libro de las bacterias (The Bacteria Book)
The Bacteria Book
Clever Creatures
Science is Magic
How to be a Scientist


The Bacteria Book
El libro de las bacterias (The Bacteria Book)
The Bacteria Book
Clever Creatures
Science is Magic
How to be a Scientist

Books for Women’s History Month

In honor of Women’s History Month in March, we are sharing books by women who have shaped history and have fought for their communities. Our list includes books about women who fought for racial justice, abortion rights, disability justice, equality in the workplace, and more, with insight on their remarkable lives that inspired others to

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