author portrait
© Ruth Marigot

Andy Robinson

ANDY ROBINSON is a roving reporter for the Barcelona daily, La Vanguardia. A graduate of the London School of Economics, he moved to Spain in the eighties where he wrote for The Guardian, The New Statesman, City Limits, Ajoblanco, El Mon, and others. He is a regular contributor to The Nation and has published two previous Spanish-language books, Un reportero en la montaña mágica (Ariel, 2013) and Off the road, miedo, asco y esperanza en América (Ariel, 2016).


Read an Excerpt from Andy Robinson’s Gold, Oil, and Avocados

The 21st century began optimistically in Latin America. Left-leaning leaders armed with programs to reduce poverty and reclaim national wealth were seeing results—but as the aughts gave way to the teens, they began to fall like dominos. Where did the dreams of this “pink tide” go? Look no further than the original culprits of Latin

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