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Let's Celebrate Women's Equality Day

On sale Oct 19, 2021 | 32 Pages | 9781635927801
HOLIDAYS & HEROES brings to life the people whose holidays we celebrate. Enriched with colorful illustrations, photographs, and other historical images, this series will engage and involve children in the stories behind our holidays and the people they honor.

Women in the United States fought for over a hundred years to win the right to vote. From Susan B. Anthony to Sojourner Truth, many powerful American heroes lent their voices to this movement. Every year on August 26 we celebrate the hard-won victories of the past and work toward a more equal future. We also celebrate women's achievements on March 8, International Women's Day.
Barbara deRubertis recently retired after 31 years of teaching elementary and middle school classes. She has written more than 50 books for children that have been published by Kane Press. Barbara and her husband live in Cashmere, Washington. View titles by Barbara deRubertis


HOLIDAYS & HEROES brings to life the people whose holidays we celebrate. Enriched with colorful illustrations, photographs, and other historical images, this series will engage and involve children in the stories behind our holidays and the people they honor.

Women in the United States fought for over a hundred years to win the right to vote. From Susan B. Anthony to Sojourner Truth, many powerful American heroes lent their voices to this movement. Every year on August 26 we celebrate the hard-won victories of the past and work toward a more equal future. We also celebrate women's achievements on March 8, International Women's Day.


Barbara deRubertis recently retired after 31 years of teaching elementary and middle school classes. She has written more than 50 books for children that have been published by Kane Press. Barbara and her husband live in Cashmere, Washington. View titles by Barbara deRubertis