Series Foreword vii
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1
I The Industrialization and Liberalization of Environments (1700–1830) 11
1 Sketches: An Ancien Régime of Pollution 17
2 New Polluting Alchemies 39
3 The Regulatory Revolution 63
II Naturalizing Pollutions in the Age of Progress (1830–1914) 87
4 The Dark Side of Progress 91
5 Expertise in the Face of Denial and Alarm 116
6 Regulating and Governing Pollution 144
III New and Massive Scales of Pollution: The Toxic Age (1914–1973) 177
7 Industrial Wars and Pollution 183
8 A High Energy-Consuming World 205
9 Mass Consumption, Mass Contamination 231
10 The Politics of Pollution 260
Epilogue: Charging Headlong into the Abyss 294
Notes 333
Index 419