175 Million Years Ago
50 Million Years Ago
3 Million Years Ago
2 Million Years Ago
0.5 Million Years Ago
40,000 BC
8000 BC
2750 BC
1250 BC
660 BC
500 BC
202 BC
AD 1
AD 200
AD 200: Population
AD 200: The Classical Geographer's View of Africa
AD 500
AD 650
AD 750
AD 900
AD 975
AD 1055
AD 1100
AD 1200
AD 1300
AD 1350
AD 1350: The Medieval Geographer's View of Africa
AD 1325-53: The Travels of Ibn Battuta
AD 1400
AD 1460
AD 1475
AD 1482-8: The Portuguese Voyages
AD 1497-8: Vasco da Gama's Voyage to India
AD 1540
AD 1575
AD 1600
AD 1600: Population and Trade Routes
AD 1660
AD 1700
AD 1750
AD 1800
AD 1800: Population
AD 1800: The European Geographer's View of Africa
AD 1830
AD 1840
AD 1856
AD 1856: The European View of Africa
AD 1860-73: European Exploration of the East African Lakes
AD 1878
AD 1885
AD 1890
AD 1900
AD 1914
AD 1925
AD 1950
AD 1960
AD 1970
AD 1980
AD 1994
Population in AD 1994